Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Aku sedang tidur dirumah, tiba-tiba sadar bahwa rumah tidak terkunci dan adikku membiarkan jendela dalam keadaan terbuka.
Padahal kondisi saat itu sudah larut malam. Ada satu mobil yang lewat depan rumahku dan orang-orang yang berada dimobil tersebut melihat kerumahku. Akhirnya aku mencoba menutup pintu dan jendela, tetapi 1 daun jendela tergeletak dilantai. Jadi sulit untuk menutup semua rumah.


I was sleeping at home when I suddenly realised that the hosue was unlock and my sister leave the window opened.
It was quite late at night. There was a car passing by in front of the house and people inside the car was looking at my house.
At the end, I tried to close all the doors and window but one part of the window was laying on the floor so it was difficult to close the house completely.

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